Bell Review of Xtreme Tire Garage

1044 Rangeview Rd. Mississauga, ON


Bell Review of Xtreme Tire Garage

August 10, 2015

xtreme tire garage warehouse and tire storage facility Recently, we received a sparkling thank you letter from a long time, and now retired, customer of Xtreme Tire Garage. We are privileged to have encountered first-hand many great customers, who have turned into great friends over the years. Below, is just one experience being described: “To: Jason Segato and team,   This long overdue short note is meant to express my appreciation with the long standing, efficient and professional services received from Xtreme Tire Garage over several years.    My 36 year career has crossed path with numerous suppliers / vendors while Xtreme has always stood out in going the extra mile in helping out taking care of our Bell Canada (and Affiliates) fleet vehicles.  The entire Xtreme Tire team could be count on regardless of our fleet challenges, projects or business requirements. Their seamless approach, efficient operations and avant-garde culture allowed for a healthy business relationship valued by my peers, colleagues, our drivers and business units alike and not to mention the occasional personal requests channelled as well. Also, working closely and in collaboration with other preferred suppliers remained key and not gone unnoticed.      It was most rewarding in working together and trust the Xtreme magic formula is retained for continued positive customer experience and growth opportunities.      All the best to you Jason and entire team.   Regards,   Louis R. Leclerc (Retired – Bell Canada / Fleet Management – Operations)”


Our Xtreme team will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and assist you with anything you need.