Winter Tires & Driving Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Xtreme Tire Garage

1044 Rangeview Rd. Mississauga, ON

Winter Tires & Driving

8 Tips To Keep Your Car Running This Winter:

January 22nd, 2019

  Like all machines, vehicles need to be inspected, repaired and taken care of to optimize performance and lifespan. Here are a few car maintenance tips to help you get the most out of your vehicle this year.   Change your oil – The general consensus is to change your oil every 5,000 km or…

Top Winter Road Safety Tips

December 5th, 2018

  Now that winter is here, most people want to stay at home and hibernate! However, with the holiday season comes visits with family, trips to the mall and festive parties. In fact, most people drive more in the winter then they may want to. Luckily, it’s possible to get through another frigid season if…

What To Do When a Winter Storm Hits

January 15th, 2018

  Winter driving is a necessary skill for most Canadians. There is always a possibility of a sudden snowstorm that can cause white-out conditions while you’re on the road. It can be a very stressful circumstance to drive through, but there are a few ways you can prepare yourself and your car to take on…

End of Winter Car Preparation and Maintenance

April 15th, 2017

  Driving through a Canadian winter can really take a toll on your vehicle. Heading into Spring, having your car completely unscathed is a rarity for most of us. Before we can put the worry of winter driving behind us, there are a few maintenance checks that are highly recommended to prepare your vehicle for…

4 Things You Should Know About Winter Tires

December 17th, 2016

  Whether you live in the city, suburbs or rural areas, looking for affordable and reliable winter tires can be tricky. At Xtreme Tire Garage in Mississauga, we’ve compiled valuable information to help you better understand the top four things you should know about winter tires:     1) All-Season Tires Are Not Winter Tires…

Top Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Winter Tires

December 5th, 2016

    1)      Rotate your tires Rotating your tires regularly is crucial to getting the most out of your winter tires, and your vehicle overall. Tires inevitably wear down over time – especially over the harsh winter season.  The front tires usually wear out faster than rear tires, often along the outside edges. Rotating your…

Insurance Discount for Drivers with Winter Tires

October 25th, 2016

  Ontario residents have something very exciting to look forward to in 2016. As per an article we will post below – found on the official Government of Ontario Page – drivers will be eligible to earn an insurance discount by meeting certain conditions! Read on below for more: “Ontario is moving forward with its…

Safety Tips for Winter Vehicle Maintenance

October 24th, 2016

Your winter vehicle maintenance doesn’t end with the tire change and tune-up you performed at the beginning of the winter season. In order to keep your vehicle in good working condition and your family safe you’ll want to follow these three simple tips throughout the winter months. 1. Check Fluid Levels It’s really dangerous to…

Winter Tires Are Worth The Investment

October 20th, 2016

  This winter it’s important to check that your tires are in good condition and are equipped to handle the harsh weather. With slippery, icy roads it is worth the investment in winter tires. Winter tires provide added safety in the snow and ice because they have treads that are designed to handle hazardous road…

The Importance of Removing Your Winter Tires

May 13th, 2016

The yearly rotation from summer tires to winter tires can become a hassle, especially living in Canada where we go from one extreme with weather to the other. After all, we only get a few months of summer a year, is it really that important to remove your winter tires? Absolutely. Here’s why…   Winter…


Our Xtreme team will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and assist you with anything you need.